

Technology innovations are key to enhance food security in Singapore. These may include new ways to monitor food supply chain and enhance food fraud traceability (blockchain and artificial intelligence), integrated system for urban farming (sensor for real time monitoring of farming conditions), technology-driven food waste management (zero waste food processing), new ways to measure gut microbiome as indicator of food nutrition (non-invasive measurement of gut microbiome functionality), and platform technology to develop alternative and unconventional food sources (insects and microalgae). Extreme weather conditions (severe flooding and/or long lasting droughts) on agriculture have caused damageto production of food crops. Incidences of sudden increase in food price seen in 2008 would also affect the stability of food import. As such, Singapore is particularly vulnerable in terms of food security, as we rely heavily on food import for local consumption. Land allocated to agriculture in Singapore has been reduced over the years as a result of our rapid industrialisation and urbanisation, from approximately 25% in the 1960s’ to less than 1% at this point in time. More than 90% of food for local
consumption has been imported in recent years

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