Community Portal
Carolina Bustamante F.
- Signed up 4 years, 4 months ago
- Last seen 4 years, 2 months ago
Completed tasks
Date | Task | Project | Points |
Aug 16, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Library | 4 |
Aug 16, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Perfil general de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Library | 4 |
Aug 18, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Limite Municipio de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 18, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Barrios y veredas de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 18, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Comunas y Corregimientos de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 18, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Manzanas que conforman los barrios de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 19, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Division Politico Administrativa Departamental de Colombia 2018 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 19, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Límites de Antioquia |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 19, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Municipios de Antioquia |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 20, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Perfiles económicos Departamento de Antioquia |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 19, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Desempeño economía de Antioquia 2018 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 19, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Informe de Calidad de vida de Medellín, 2018. Desempeño económico y competitividad. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 19, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Proyecciones de población por área y sexo 2018 - 2023 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Aug 19, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Proyecciones de población 2018-2023 con desagregación nacional, departamental y área (cabecera – centros poblados y rural disperso), por grupos quinquenales de edad y sexo. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Aug 19, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Proyecciones de Población 2018-2023 con desagregación nacional, departamental y municipal, por grupos quinquenales de edad, edades simples (0 a 28 años) y sexo. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Aug 20, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Crecimiento del PIB de Antioquia. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 20, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Composición sectorial del PIB 2018 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 20, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Ingreso per capita Medellín 2013-2018 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 20, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Proyecciones de población a nivel municipal por área 2024 - 2035 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Aug 20, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Proyecciones de población a nivel municipal por sexo y edad simple. 2024 - 2035. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Aug 20, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Plan Integral de gestión de la calidad del aire para el Área Metropolitana del Valle de la Aburrá PIGECA 2017 -2030 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 21, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Plan Integral de gestión de la calidad del aire para el Área Metropolitana del Valle de la Aburrá PIGECA 2017 -2030 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 21, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
BIO 2030. Plan director Medellín, Valle de la Aburrá. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 21, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Propuesta para la gestión integral de la biodiversidad y los servicios ecosistémicos de Medellín PGIBSE, 2014. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 21, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Ajuste y revisión del Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial de Medellín. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 21, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Plan de gestión integral de residuos sólidos regional PGIRS-R 2017-2030 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 21, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Plan de acción ante el cambio y la variabilidad climática del Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá 2019 - 2030 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 21, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Plan Maestro de Mobilidad |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 21, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Centro de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Book uploaded to the library
Árboles nativos y ciudad. Aportes a la Silvicultura Urbana de Medellín. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Book uploaded to the library
Manual de Silvicultura Urbana para Medellín. Gestión, planeacióny manejo de infraestructura verde . |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Listado ornamentales para jardines |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Árboles sembrados en Medellín en 2019 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Temperatura y precipitación promedio Medellín. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Estructura Ecológica Principal |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Red de Conectividad Ecológica |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Red de Conectividad Ecológica |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 22, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Proyecciones de Población 2016 a 2020 de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Book uploaded to the library
Rehabitar la montaña . Estrategias y procesos para un hábitat sostenible. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Book uploaded to the library
Medellín medio ambiente urbanismo y sociedad. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Geomorfología y dunita del Valle de Aburrá |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Perfil tipo del suelo |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Mapa geológico del Valle de Aburrá |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 24, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Listado de especies arbóreas y arbustivas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Áreas Protegidas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Áreas protegidas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Corredores Verdes |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Corredores Verdes |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Limite Municipio de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Barrios y veredas de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Comunas y Corregimientos de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Manzanas de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Biodiversidad en Medellín1 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Biodiversidad en Medellín 2 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Sistema del árbol urbano SAU - Información arbórea de Medellín. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Book uploaded to the library
Árboles ornamentales de Medellín 1 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Book uploaded to the library
Árboles ornamentales de Medellín 2 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Red Hidrica Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Humedales Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 25, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Humedales Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Río Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Río Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Río Medellin |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 26, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Colibrí Colirufo. Amazilia tzacatl |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Mayo. Turdus ignobilis |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Barranquero. Momotus aequatorialis |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Carpintero habado . Melanerpes rubricapillus |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Azulejo.Taran Rampersad |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Periquito de anteojos. Forpus conspicillatus |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Cirirí . Tyrannus melancholicus |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Red Hídrica de Medellín. Principales quebradas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Guayacán Amarillo. Handroanthus chrysanthus |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Cámbulo. Erythrina poeppigiana |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Evaluación de la situación actual y futura del mercado de los materiales de construcción y arcillas en las ciudades de Bogotá, Medellín, Bucaramanga, Santa Marta y Eje Cafetero.. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Corredores ecológicos estructurales |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Corredores ecológicos estructurales |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Abastecimiento hídrico del área metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Clasificación del suelo |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Mapa usos del Suelo Rural |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Usos del Suelo Rural |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Clasificación del suelo |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Usos rurales |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Usos rurales |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Usos Generales del Suelo Urbano |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Usos Generales del Suelo Urbano |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 27, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Usos Generales del Suelo Urbano |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 28, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Suelos de Protección |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 28, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Subestaciónes de Energía en Medellín. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 28, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Subestación de Energía |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 28, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Coordenadas geográficas Subestaciones de energía en Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Aug 28, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Sistema de generación de energía de EPM |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 28, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Centrales de generación de energía en el Valle de Aburrá |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Plantas de agua EPM. Plantas de potabilización |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Mapa Minero de Antioquia . Sectorización |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Mapa Minero de Antioquia . Sectorización |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Planta de Tratamiento Aguas Claras EPM |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Proyecto Aguas Claras Parque Planta de tratamiento de Aguas EPM |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Descripción del proyecto Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas residuales Bello |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Planta de Tratamiento Aguas Residuales San Fernando EPM |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Video Recording uploaded to the library
¿Sabes de dónde viene el agua que consumimos? |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Así se potabiliza el agua que llega a hogares del Valle de Aburrá. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Sistema Integrado de Transporte del Valle de Aburrá SITVA |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Líneas Metro de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Metro de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Malla vial |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Metro de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Eco Estaciones EPM |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Tranvía de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Ciclorrutas Municipio de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Concesiones Aeropuertos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Relleno Sanitario La Pradera |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
La primera estación de transferencia de residuos sólidos del país estará en Medellín. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Aug 31, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Ubicación Relleno Sanitario La Pradera. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Sistema de Servicios Públicos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Transporte Publico Colectivo /Masivo |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Transporte Publico Colectivo /Masivo |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Jerarquización de Vías Urbanas y Rurales |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Jerarquización de Vías Urbanas y Rurales |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Jerarquización de Vías Urbanas y Rurales |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Subsistema de Servicio Públicos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Subsistema de Servicio Publico |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Subsistema de Servicios Publicos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Red Peatonal |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Red Peatonal |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Cuencas abastecedoras |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Cuencas abastecedoras |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Acueducto Potabilización |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Acueducto Potabilización |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Aseo |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Shapefile uploaded to the library
Aseo |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 6 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Aseo |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 01, 2020 |
Map uploaded to the library
Subsistema de Movilidad |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 02, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Producción de alimentos Medellín. Principales empresas. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 02, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Postobon S.A |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 02, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Alimentos Zenú. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 02, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Compañia Nacional de Chocolates |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 02, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Colcafé |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 02, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Cervecería Unión - Bavaria |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 02, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Galletas Noel |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 02, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Colanta |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 02, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Productos El Caribe |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 02, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Fabricato |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 02, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Coltejer |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 02, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Fatelares |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 22, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Perfil Demográfico 2016 - 2020 Total Medellin |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
C.I jeans |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Industria Textil |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Terrazas y solares de Medellín escenarios urbanos para la agricultura |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Thesis uploaded to the library
Agricultura Urbana en Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Red de huerteros de Medellín. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Thesis uploaded to the library
Practicas Comunitarias de Agricultura Urbana De Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Informe de Calidad de Vida .Vivienda y Servicios Públicos. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Actualización Inventario de Emisiones Atmosféricas del Valle de Aburrá- Año 2018 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Caracterización Económica Avícola del Departamento de Antioquia |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Producción en miles de toneladas de algunos productos agrícolas en Antioquia. Años 2007-2017 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Áreas sembradas, cosechadas, volumen de producción y rendimiento de algunos cultivos permanentes, en Antioquia. Año 2017 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Explotación bovina y producción de leche en los municipios de Antioquia. Año 2017 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Équidos y hectáreas en pasto en los municipios de Antioquia. Año 2017 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Bufalinos, cunícolas, cuyícolas, ovinos, caprinos y apicultura en los municipios de Antioquia. Año 2017 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Inventario avícola y porcino en los municipios de Antioquia. Año 2017 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 03, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Plantaciones forestales comerciales registradas por el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario - ICA, por subregiones y municipios. Año 2010 - 2017 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Estudio de Mercados: Fabricación de Piezas (Autopartes) y accesorios (Lujos) para vehículos motores. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Estructura empresarial de Medellín y el Valle de Aburrá para el riesgo de autopartes. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Principales empresas con sede en Antioquia, productoras de autopartes – 2.018 (1) |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Principales empresas con sede en Antioquia, productoras de autopartes – 2.018 (2) |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 07, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Empresas producción de papel y cartón |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 08, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Supermercados Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 08, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Plazas de Mercado Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 08, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Ruta: cuatro plazas de mercado para recorrer en Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 08, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Manejo de aguas residuales |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 08, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Manejo de aguas residuales |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 08, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Agua facturada de acueducto en la cabecera de los municipios de Antioquia (m3) según tipo de servicio.Año 2017 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 08, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Consumo de energía eléctrica (kilovatios/hora) en la cabecera de los municipios de Antioquia, según tipo de servicio y estrato. Año 2017 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 08, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Centrales hidráulicas según capacidad instalada y energía generada en Antioquia. Año 2017 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 08, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Plantas de beneficio animal en algunos municipios de Antioquia.Año 2016 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Empresa Producción de Alimentos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
El mapa cervecero de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Cervecerías artesanales de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Medellín pasó de los 1.300 edificios de gran altura |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Censo de edificaciones CEED |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Estructura general del área censada por estados de obra, según áreas de cobertura según áreas urbanas y metropolitanas |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Boletín Técnico Censo de Edificaciones (CEED) I trimestre de 2019 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Síntesis del diagnóstico y diseño del plan de abastecimiento y distribución de alimentos para la ciudad de medellín –PADAM |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Demanda real para el año 2010 con base en la canasta real de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Demanda real para el año 2010 con base en la canasta real de Medellín 1 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Composición en peso de la demanda actual de alimentos de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Demanda recomendada proyectada 2011 a 2020 para la ciudad de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Demanda recomendada proyectada 2011 a 2020 para la ciudad de Medellín 1 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Producción por subregiones (productos más representativos) |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Producción por subregiones (productos más representativos) 1 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Existencias y ventas de vehículos registrados en el Valle de Aburra para el año 2018 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Presentation uploaded to the library
Información: Perfiles Económicos Departamentales |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 09, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Antioquia tiene 18% de las exportaciones de 2017 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Thesis uploaded to the library
Sostenibilidad de la extracción de materiales en el Valle de Aburrá |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Informe de sostenibilidad Postobón 2019 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Mis consumos en el hogar. Agua |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Mis consumos en el hogar. Energía |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Encuesta Nacional de Presupuestos de los Hogares - ENPH- Julio 2016 - Julio 2017 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Gastos diarios Urbano - Capitulo C |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Gastos diarios Urbano - Capitulo C |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Gastos diarios del hogar Urbano - Comidas preparadas fuera del hogar |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Gastos menos frecuentes - Artículos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Gastos diarios personales Urbano |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Gastos diarios Urbanos - Mercados |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 10, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Gastos personales Urbano - Comidas preparadas fuera del hogar |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Thesis uploaded to the library
Análisis de flujos dinámicos de materiales aplicado a la proyección de demanda de materiales de construcción en Colombia |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Infraestructura vial con enfoque ambiental |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Thesis uploaded to the library
Uso de los fertilizantes y su impacto en la producción agrícola |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Los fertilizantes, N-P-K son los más usados por los agricultores |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Panorama del uso del abono en Colombia |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Ventas de fertilizantes en kilogramos y litros en 2009 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Panorama del uso del abono en Colombia |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Thesis uploaded to the library
Uso de los fertilizantes y su impacto en la producción agrícola |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Ventas fertilizantes en kilogramos y litros en 2009 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Exportaciones de Colombia, según países de destino Total nacional 1970-2020 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Dataset added to the data inventory
Exportaciones de café, carbón, petróleo y sus derivados, ferroníquel y no tradicionales, según valores y toneladas métricas en Colombia |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Informe de Calidad de vida Medellín 2018 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Medellín: producción de residuos per cápita y residuos totales dispuestos per cápita 2012-2018 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Medellín: Residuos sólidos aprovechados con respecto al total de residuos sólidos dispuestos, 2013-2018 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Estado anual de los recursos naturales y del ambiente del municipio de Medellín - Vigencia 2019 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Generación de residuos sólidos domiciliarios en el área urbana y rural del municipio de Medellín, 2019. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Generación total anual de residuos sólidos, Medellín 2015 – 2019. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Kilómetros de longitud de los diferentes modos del Sistema de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá en 2019 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Demanda de agua potable en el Valle de Aburrá, 2011 – 2019. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Consumo de agua potable residencial por estrato, municipio de Medellín, 2019. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Estudio de Mercados: Reciclaje y Economía Circular |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Empresas de Antioquia relacionadas con la recuperación de materiales y el reciclaje |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 11, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Parámetros de calidad del agua EPM |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 22, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Preocupa el aumento y el mal manejo de las basuras en Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 15, 2020 |
Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Estado anual de los recursos naturales y del ambiente del municipio de Medellín - Vigencia 2019 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 2 |
Sep 15, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Las motocicletas en Colombia: aliadas del desarrollo del país |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 15, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Las motocicletas en Colombia: aliadas del desarrollo del país |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 16, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Un delicioso paseo entre los sabores de Antioquia |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 16, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Zona de La Buena Mesa |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 16, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Estos son los restaurantes imperdibles de la oferta gastronómica en Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 16, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
¿Dónde rumbear en Medellín? |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 16, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Estaciones de gasolina Terpel. Ubicación |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 16, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Mapa Estaciones De Gas - EPM |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 16, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Cadena de la Piscicultura en Antioquia |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 16, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Peces "made in" Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 16, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Cadena Forestal en Antioquia |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 16, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
Antioquia trata el 85% de sus residuos peligrosos |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 16, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Manejo de escombros, un reto para el Valle de Aburrá |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 16, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Recolección y Almacenamiento de Residuos de Construcción y Demolición |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 16, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Residuos de construcción y demolición |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 17, 2020 |
Document uploaded to the library
Actores |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 21, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Así es Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 21, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Centro de Medellín |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 22, 2020 |
Journal Article uploaded to the library
En 2022 el relleno sanitario La Pradera alcanzaría su máxima capacidad |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 23, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Actualización Inventario de Emisiones Atmosféricas del Valle de Aburrá- Año 2016 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 23, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Estimación contaminantes emitidos por la disposición de residuos en el relleno sanitario La Pradera, 2016 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 23, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Reciclaje : Economía Circular |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 24, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 24, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 24, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 24, 2020 |
Webpage uploaded to the library
Grupo ASEI. Recolección, manejo y disposición de residuos peligrosos. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 25, 2020 |
Report uploaded to the library
Programa para la prestación del servicio público de aseo. |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Sep 25, 2020 |
Image uploaded to the library
Porcentaje de residuos sólidos aprovechados en Medellín, 2014 – 2019 |
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub | 4 |
Total | 1010 |